Man On Vacation in the Maldives

How to Start an Online business For Free With No Inventory

​There are millions of people who want to know how to start an online business for free, the problem is they don’t think this is possible and get into something that costs way too much money and get scammed or they just don’t know where to begin.

They also don’t know what kind of business they even want. All they know is they want to make money fast and many will venture unknowingly into the world of online scammers.

Give Me 2 Minutes

What I’ve been able to do

I’ve been in the online internet world for 5 years and like many, I have been scammed and fortunately lost only a small amount of money. I have found some places that were honest and legitimate but they were far and few between.

I have learned along the way, that it doesn’t matter what kind of computer experience or business knowledge you have, anyone can do this from the young to the seniors.  You can have your online business running successfully at home or anywhere in the world while traveling and all you need is a computer,  internet and the right training blueprint program that I can show you here.

I work at home now, quit my full time job up in the oilpatch as safety and now work whatever hours I desire, wear whatever I want and make money while I sleep.

This is FREEDOM!  What more can you ask for when so many others are struggling to find work, many are helping their bosses take great holidays while you get no appreciation to your hard effort working for them.

I travel a lot now going to remote dive destinations so I can write about my dive experiences and recommend places for divers and publish it to my dive site.

This is why I’m here because I want to show you how you too can do this.


Do Not Want To Get Scammed


You are already a step ahead because you already have a computer and internet, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. I also want to be honest and let you know an online business like any business is hard work and you reap what you sow.

Let’s begin!

What you need to get started

You may be surprised, but there are only 3 things you need to get started in the online world.

1. Chose a niche.

Many Niche GroupsA niche is a distinct segment of a market, in other words,  it is  “an audience”.  The audience is a group of people (targeted audience) who are looking for something specific such as a product, service or information that will help them solve their needs.

When you choose your niche, it should something you are passionate about.  It can be a hobby or an interest.  It can also be something you have always wanted to learn. When you learn something, you BECOME an expert in it.

There are lots of things I enjoy doing like scuba diving, downhill skiing, bootcamp exercising, anything to do with internet marketing, teaching others how to be successful with their online businesses (also have the website you see now) and of course nature.  Years ago, I used to collect hockey cards of Gordie Howe, Paul Coffey, Wayne Gretzky, Johnny Bower…

Niche Products

Those are example of what niches can be. It should be something you enjoy doing every day, you don’t tired of doing it, and you are excited talking about it to your friends and family. It can be something you have always wanted to learn.

You see, earning money thru your online business should be fun and not feel like a day job.

Everyday there are billions and billions of people going online looking for solutions and information and purchasing. Make a list of what it is you are interested in. DON’T SPEND A WEEK TRYING TO FIGURE OUT YOUR NICHE is.  You can always change it.

Then what happens is you build your online business around your niche offering your particular audience the solutions which are the products and services to fulfill their needs.

What? You don’t know what your niche is? You are STUCK? No worries,  you may be interested in doing what I do. You can join with an affiliate program and market other people’s products and services without carrying any inventory.

2. Creating Your Website

Every business including local businesses need to have a website. This gives trust to your site and your audience can reach you from anywhere in the world.  The best part is you don’t need to rent an office, you can do this at home. People pay $1,000s of dollars to get their website created for them and there is no reason you should have to pay that kind of money.

I’m going to show you how easy it is to create your own website in a matter of under 60 seconds.

Seriously No Joke

The site you are in now is actually a site I’m just refurbishing to give it a newer fresh look. The point I’m making is anyone can do this and you don’t need to have any experience.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do this and that you need to hire a web designer. I say that is rubbish because some not all want only your money and worst of all you become dependant on them and have to pay them more. These people will do everything for your site but when the time comes and you want to leave after paying thousands and thousands of dollars, you know nothing about how to move or maintain your site,  you’re stuck with them.

The way I learned to start my online business is FREE.

3) Training

There are lots of scammers online and there are many wrong ways of doing online business. You want the right kind of training, one that will show you properly how to start your online business, how to build your foundation from the bottom up and learn how to monetize it so you can stabilize it and keep your income growing.

You’re much better off to learn what works and what doesn’t work from a place of expert proven authority that wants you to be self-reliant and successful in your online business.

In my experience and opinion, there is only place that can give you the best knowledge ever to creating your own online business with no experience required. They are the world’s number #1 ELITE platform for internet entrepreneurs.

This is the only place in the online world that is absolutely LEGITIMATE that will really teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to have a successful online business. They will show you from the start of choosing your niche to how to build your online business around it and teach the methods of how to help your chosen audience’s needs.

This place is also FREE to join and they will not ask for your credit card, so whether you are serious in learning how to start your online business or you are curious, you are welcome to come and check it out.

Why own your online business? The Benefits

  • No renting of office space.
  • Work at home or anywhere while travelling as long as you have access to a computer and website.
  • No inventory. You can certainly make your own products and market them.
  • Easy to transfer your existing website to another site.
  • Be your own boss and work your own hours.
  • People from all the world can access your site 24/7 and make purchases while you sleep.

My final thoughts

The best place to get the right blueprint is where you can get 24/7 support. If you can’t get your questions answered when you need help immediately, this is extremely frustrating. It’s like someone leaving you hanging on the phone for 20 minutes to find answers for you and you hang up and start taking shortcuts that ultimately lead to disasters and lost time.

My advice is to read the reviews and find a place that gives you FREE training to get you started. The free training is not going to teach you everything you need to know but you get the opportunity to get a transparency look into what  their site offers you. Why should you have to pay upfront? If you do, that is a scam.

If you have any questions or comments on anything I mentioned here, it would be awesome to hear from you.

==> CLICK HERE: #1 Recommendation to learn how to make money on your online business?

Start now to:

  • Learn everything you need to know to get going on your online business and make it forever profitable.
  • Get your FREE Starter Membership with 10 FREE  Starter lessons.
  • Earn when you learn.
  • Get Website Backup.
  • No hidden costs.
  • And much more.

Get Started Now

Thanks for reading and I hope I gave you helpful information. If you have any questions or comments, I really would like to hear from you.




  1. Hi Monica, great review on Wealthy Affiliates. So comprehensive and detailed. This is my 8th month with Wealthy Affiliates and I am now enjoying the fruits of my labor..  I really enjoy learning to grow my site and some of my articles are just starting to show up on page 1 with Google and this is exciting to see. I know now the teachings really work. 

    1. Hi Rebecca, thank you for reading my article and I’m glad to hear you now have some pages ranking in first page of Google. Well done and this gets betters as you keep writing. Keep up the great work and let me know your progress as you keep up with your lessons.

      Best Wishes,


  2. Hello there Monica,

    I have been looking for a place to make money online and have seen most people recommending I start off with affiliate marketing because it is the most lucrative.

    I am willing to follow what you recommend but I would also like to ask if you will help me through the training in the platform you encourage to use.

    I have had bad experiences in the past and wouldn’t want to face the same again.

    1. Hi Dave,

      Thank you for your comment. I’m sorry to hear you have had bad experiences. I can certainly relate as I have had bad experiences myself. This is why I joined Wealthy Affiliate. You will find the owners, Kyle and Carson’s Wealthy Affiliate training platform to be honest. They will tell you from the start you will not make money right away but with hard work you will make good money. 

      Affiliate marketing is very lucrative because of billions of people all over the world purchasing online and with the right training you can definitely do very well in this industry. 

      Absolutely I will help you with your training every step of the way. Once you join, you will also be able to private message me.

      I look forward to seeing you inside.



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