How To Get New Customers For Your Business Online |Diversify Your Niche

Are you feeling like your target audience is too narrow for your website? Or maybe, you’re thinking about broadening your niche and not sure how to do this? You feel like you’re running out of things to write about… your site feels too ‘stale’…

Today, I’m here to tell you how to get new customers for your business online! It will get you back to feeling more excited and getting those creative ideas to give energy to your site.  It’s all about diversifying your niche website!

diversify-your niche-websiteFolks, we need to continuously look to be appealing to meet our customers and visitors needs. Innovation thinking is important, but it’s more than that…it’s the execution of that innovation that really counts.

So, let’s starts getting some great ideas and turn them into action! 

What the heck is niche diversity?

Niche diversity means having a variety of other products and services related to your root niche. In other words, they’re sub-niches you can implement in your initial website. 

Why is niche diversity so important?

Niche diversity is important for many reasons like:

1) You’re finding a common bond, a tie … this is very important to the readers! You need to have at least one tie from this sub-niche to your initial niche so that it makes sense to the reader.

2)  It’s great for SEO. For example, use internal linking by creating related blog posts and videos. Say I have a site ‘Making Candles’ and I write up a new blog post on ‘How to Make Soap with Different Fragrances’ and you wonder well, how does that relate? There are several common bonds here, Both can have fragrances and colors. Many stores carry both the candles and soap making kits. The early steps to making both of them are similar. For instance, they both need molds to pour the raw materials into. You can also diversify the sub-niche further… like ‘Different Molds for Candles and Soap’. Candles and Soap are two different things but you can see there is a common tie connecting the two. You can even sell these products and of course the kits. What you’re doing here is monetizing the strategy!

3)  Niche diversity works for all different types of websites. So don’t worry if you think your niche is too small. You can always create some kind of connection to it. If your site seems too broad, perhaps too vague, you can always create sub-niches into different sections.


Don’t diversify your niche website too early! It would be a good idea to make an ‘imprint’ first with your site. It’s vital to get some leads, sales or traffic BEFORE creating diversity in your website. Search engines need to know what your site is all about… so let your site marinade for awhile! Did you know that if your site is too new and you have no traffic and you literally throw in all kinds of different niche diversities, the search engines will be confused … the result is, it will take longer to rank.

How do you Find These Niche Related Opportunities?

1)  Look at your big typical competitor websites to get some related brainstorming ideas. See what they’re doing on their site. Don’t look at sites that are the same level as your site. This is a great way to take what they’re doing, modify to suit your purpose and proceed from there.

2)  Affiliate Networks. Typically, you would want to stay or look within the same affiliate networks you’re already associated to. Look at companies like:

  • Share A Sale
  • Commission Junction
  • Amazon Affiliate (very popular and my absolute favorite to find related niche opportunities!)


 My advice is not to sign up with an affiliate network for the sole purpose of doing research!

How do you find the niche connection to your audience?

Your niche connection to your audience is during your niche diversity research. What I like about Amazon is once you search for an item and look at your findings, they make it real easy to have relatable things pop into your mind.


In Amazon, say I look for an underwater dive camera. I pick SeaLife DC1400 Underwater Digital Dive & Sport Camera. I scroll down and see ‘Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought’. Amazon tells me the people who purchased this SealLife also bought Sealife Small Moisture munchers, SeaLife Battery, Transcend Flash Memory Card, and SeaLife Fisheye Angle Lens. These all relatable to my scuba diving website.


You need to be heavily immersed within your niche. You are… I hope!! Your niche is your passion! You let people know you’re excited with your niche.. you have the knowledge and you have authority over it. It’s this passion that makes the building of your website so much easier especially when you get into the niche diversity.

Ready to do a niche breakdown? Let’s find some niche diversity connections!

Let’s do an outline, a flowchart of all the aspects of your niche website. The tool I like to use is this website. It’s a great way to organize your thoughts and do some mind mapping!! Here is an example for niche diversity connection… 


Bubbl US Scuba Dive Mindmap 

As you can see, the name of my website is Scuba Diving. My niche is all about scuba diving. My main menu is Best Dive Vacations, PADI Scuba Dive Courses, and Reviews. These items make up my core. Everything you see in blue is what I have decided to diversify my niche site with. I can now write some great new blog posts about them and do some internal linking as well.  Even create videos with internal links. There is so much more I can add on, like Accommodations under Reviews and so on. I even added Amazon Affiliate to my main menu and that can link to Scuba Dive Gear, etc. Even add Newsletters…Accessories… 

This niche breakdown is not a long process. You will find that once you get into this, you literally won’t want to stop… your ideas just keep growing…

Well… that’s about it here for me. Want to find out about Understanding Customer Perspectives? Check it out here!

I would really like to hear from you! If you have any comments or questions, please put them below in the comment box. You can even reach me in Wealthy Affiliate, it’s where I do all my work!

Thank you!



  1. Monica,
    You have pointed out a wealth of awesome information, niche diversification is key to any sort of logical expansion.

    Often times folks are looking as you mentioned say for a special color or fragrance and there is no reason those sensual feelings should have to remain isolated to one item.

    People love choice, so relatability with different products makes your shoppers job much more rewarding and pleasurable.

    Great way to enhance your users experience.


    1. Hi Gary,

      Thank you for your great comment and you’re very welcome! Yes, niche diversification is key to logical expansion. It’s what helps to keep websites exciting and interesting to our readers as well as to the site owner.

      Diversification is the spice of life… gives us creative thoughts! I use the consistently to stay focused …..


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