How to Build a WordPress Website in 30 Seconds (Proof is in the Video)

A website … every successful business uses this solid foundation!

We’ve all heard of WordPress websites!  It’s the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world. It’s been used on millions of sites, in addition, there are tens of millions of people looking at these sites. It’s the best platform, THE most supported and influential framework for experienced and inexperienced online marketers.

Want to know how to build a WordPress Website in 30 seconds? 

If you’re looking to become an online entrepreneur, you definitely want WordPress, however, it is cumbersome to install and setup. Even professional webmasters can have challenges installing WordPress websites. Several years ago, I started to create my own website. I thought it would be easy… but then I realized I needed a database, hosting for my website, FTP, also some knowledge in the technical end to install… way too much for me to comprehend!

Then came WordPress Express…

Well, …. You won’t find it in Wikipedia. After much searching to get information on WordPress Express, I actually got my answer within Wealthy Affiliate community the place where I do all my work for my online business.

So, what is WordPress Express?

wealthy-affiliate-kyle-carsonWhen Wealthy Affiliate was created in 2005, the owners, Kyle and Carson, created WordPress Express in 2010 and incorporated it into Wealthy Affiliate servers.

They created this website builder software that installs WordPress with certain plugins to make it easy to use for people like you and me. I created my website in 30 seconds using WordPress Express and I’m definitely not a ‘techy’ person.

The proof is in this video!!  Only 3 steps to install a WordPress website absolutely from scratch, using WordPress Express.

Build a WordPress Website in 30 Seconds 

Easy right? All you had to do was:

1. Name your site
2. Pick your theme
3. Install your site

WordPress Express removes the technical things out of it, like…

  • No databases to setup
  • No FTP’ing files
  • No need to worry about Domain Registrars or DNS
  • No PHP or HTML
  • Yea, no Photoshop and no expensive programs to purchase

Sounds technical? 

Even the most experienced internet marketer is excited to setup their website in only a few minutes…so, are you ready?

Want to get your FREE WordPress website setup for your niche?

Can you imagine having a website created and up and running in less than 5 minutes? The best part is you can have any niche you want on your website as well as get access to all of the many varieties of WordPress themes. PLUS, the community within Wealthy Affiliate has abundant resources… helpful members, and all kinds of training 24/7. How cool is that?  There are thousands of people here all over the world from newbies to the very ‘techy’ experts.

It’s only 2 easy steps:

1) Your starter Wealthy Affiliate Account can be created here (FREE)

2) Build your WordPress website

Here’s a great success story I want to share with you. This is Scott, a member within Wealthy Affiliate who talks about how he broke even from his initial investment of $359.00 to earning revenue of $3500.00. He says he worked hard and continues to work hard to have a successful online business. He shows his traffic stats from Google Analytics February 1st to December 31st. You can see how he was getting 0 traffic and how it progressed from there. See below! All this was done by his website he created within Wealthy Affiliate.


Wealthy Affiliate Member Google Analytics Results

Sites created within Wealthy Affiliate are getting amazing rankings in Google!

Want to be part of the success stories using WordPress Express platform? 

Want to get the best hosting experience and the easiest way to start building your own WordPress website in under 30 seconds, plus more??  All Wealthy Affiliate websites are hosted on the most reliable, secure and influential WordPress platform in the world.

Want to focus on your online business without having to worry about technology? Create and grow your business here!

There are 2 memberships:

  1. Starter = get 2 FREE Websites (on domain)
  2. Premium = get 50 Websites (25 free website/25 on your OWN Domains)

I hope you enjoyed the video!  I would like to hear from you… tell me your thoughts on the video and if you have any questions, please put them in the comment box below or you can reach me inside of Wealthy Affiliate, it’s where I do all my work on my online business as a Premium member.




  1. Very informational site on Wealthy Affiliate. I just started my membership with Wealthy Affiliate about a week ago and have already upgraded to premium and have a website going. I did know know some of the back ground information that you added about Kyle and Carson. Good job on the site!

    1. Hi Derek,

      Thank you for your comment! Well… congrats to you for joining Wealthy Affiliate! I know you won’t have any regrets! I did lots of research on WA and on Kyle and Carson and that’s absolutely how I became a Premium member. I’m sure sure by now, you already have seen how friendly and helpful the members are. I’m always thrilled to hear the success stories.. inspires motivation! I know you’re having fun… good for you!

      Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you!

      Best Wishes!


  2. Hi!
    Wealthy Affiliate is really great!
    Although it takes just 30 seconds to build the site, but this doesn’t mean that it takes 30 seconds to make money online as an affiliate marketer……
    What it means is that with wealthy affiliate, you can leave the technical parts to them, and you can use your time to build out your business in the best possible!
    Thanks for your great article!

    1. Hi Chanan,

      You’re very welcome! Thank you for your comment!

      Yes, building the site only takes 30 seconds… thanks to Wealthy Affiliate who looks after all the computer technical stuff. Anyone trying to make money online needs to understand that it takes a lot of work to be successful. Because of Wealthy Affiliate’s services, I’m able to focus on writing content, make videos, etc.

      I’m happy to hear you also enjoy Wealthy Affiliate’s services… they are the best!


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