Affiliate Marketing Cycle

2018 Honest Review of Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate WebsiteAre you tired of your 9-5 job? Want to turn your passion into a lucrative online business?

Hi, my name is Monica and I’ve been with Wealthy Affiliate now for 2 years and it’s been an incredible journey for me, someone who had absolutely no idea how to have an online business and so I want to share with you my honest review of Wealthy Affiliate for 2018.

I am a dreamer and a believer and that’s why I joined Wealthy Affiliate. It was about being independent, having the freedom to travel more and simply being more accountable to myself to being successful, me being the boss of my own destiny. You can read about me if you like.

I’ll tell you everything you need to know from who Wealthy Affilliate is, what they can offer you, what’s new, and how you can benefit or not.

Let’s begin…

wealthy-affiliate-kyle-carsonWealthy Affiliate is an online business university platform created in 2005 by 2 actively participating owners, Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim. It a brilliant platform helping over 1,000,000 blooming internet entrepreneurs all over the world. Once you come in and take a peak, you will be amazed at how transparent everything is inside.

Wealthy Affiliate is the world’s largest internet marketing community. When I joined, I was instantly welcomed by Kyle and many other members from all over the world also made me feel at home. They will tell you there is ‘no such thing as a stupid question and that pretty much settled my nerves.  I soon began to realize this is a community of success.

You are told right off the bat, that in order to be successful, you must be willing to work hard and that everything you need to know is here for you.  This I found to be true as I spend all my time in Wealthy Affiliate growing my business while still learning and earning.

Wealthy Affiliate Overview and Rankings 

Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Kyle and Carson

Training: 4.8 out of 5
Support: 5.0 out of 5
Website Backup: 5.0 out of 5
Website Builder: 5.5 out of 5
WordPress Hosting: 4.9 out of 5
Affiliate Program: 5.0 out of 5
Keyword Research Tools: 4.8 out of 5
Success Stories: 4.5 out of 5
Price: Starter Membership (FREE)
Premium Membership ($49.00/month or $359.00/year) Rating: 4.9 out of 5

Who is Wealthy Affiliate For?

Wealthy Affiliate is for anyone who is interested in having an online business. No experience is required. All you need to have is the desire to learn and the willingness to work hard. You will not make money overnight.

Even if you are already a seasoned affiliate marketer, I know you will be pleasantly surprised to see what Wealthy Affiliate can offer you. 

Is this you?

  • Retired people
  • Tired of working for your boss?
  • Laid off
  • Professional online marketers
  • Local busineses
  • Stay-at-Home moms or dads
  • Tired of the corporate world
  • Looking for residual income
  • Want to have an online business with no inventory
  • Build websites for other busineses
  • Affiliate marketers for Amazon, Walmart, etc.
  • Bloggers
  • The list goes on…

Perfect, WA is definitely for you!

Dream Job

I forgot to mention, you will have a lot of writing of articles to do.  BUT fear not, you do not have to be a writer! Writing is all about communicating and this is what we do everyday.  I’m am not a writer, and when I realized all I had to do was communicate to you… hey, I can’t stop ‘writing’ as you will see below.  By the way, spell checks and grammar checks are here as you write.

Wealthy Affiliate Training, Variety of Ways to Suit Your Needs

What I love about the training is it’s diversity and ease and of course the fact that you can do the learning in your own time.  The training material is endless and you can pick and choose what you want to learn.

In my opinion, there is nothing like this in the world of affiliate marketing training. It’s built and designed for the success of any online business for absolutely anyone from newbies, to advanced online marketers, to technical, any age, young and old. All you need is time, willingness to work hard, be committed and focused, a computer and internet.

The whole purpose of Wealthy Affiliate and to join is to provide training to learn how to do online marketing. The challenge is providing the training to accommodate to everyone’s style of learning. Some of you are visual learners or learn by reading, others need both. Wealthy Affiliate offers both formats.

The training comes in many ways and broken down into the following:

  • Entrepreneur Certification (50 Lessons)
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Training (70) Lessons
  • Weekly live interactive webinars with Q&A’s (can be played back)
  • Tutorials consisting of videos and text (1000+)
  • Courses and Lessons that are task-based
  • Classrooms

==> To get the Most Progressive and Inclusive Training in The Industry, Click Here! 

Entrepreneur Certification (Starter) 

This is the basic core training. When you go into the first course, you will see “Online Entrepreneur Certification – Getting Started Level 1” with lessons. this gives you the basic understanding to how affiliate marketing works. It’s also your first step to give you the realization of the potential to owning a successful online business.


Online Entrepreneur Certification Level 1 Getting Started

Training Features inside the Certification and Bootcamp:

  • Keeps track of where you last left off during your lessons
  • Can always go back and review, ask questions
  • Majority of the lessons have a video describing what you will learn and it’s purposes along with written steps and detailed images
  • Tasks are given at the end of each lesson and you can check them off as you complete them. This is something you don’t want to miss as it helps to build your online business.

How does WA work? There are 4 Steps that are well-defined to Build your Business online:

  • Find your interest or your passion (niche)
  • Build your website
  • Get the attention of visitors
  • Earn revenue

Site Builder

Wealthy Affiliate Support, A Community Who Cares About You

We all know that anytime you learn sometime new, support is the utmost importance and you don’t want to be left hanging.

There is absolutely no doubt that Wealthy Affiliate DOMINATES competitors when it comes to support. If you have no online marketing skill or already a seasoned marketer, there is superior support for everyone. If you need encouragement, help regarding your training or have site issues, or need advice the support channel is here for you.

As I mentioned earlier, here is no such thing as a ‘stupid’ question.

Here are all the amazing features of Support:

  • Classrooms
  • 24/7 Live Chat
  • Get Direct Access to Kyle
  • Private Messaging Mentoring (get help within hours)
  • Classrooms
  • In comments area of any of the training lessons (help in minutes)
  • Profile Page of the person who referred you to WA
  • Website and Hosting (help in minutes)
  • Blog Post and ask questions (help in minutes)
  • Q & A’s (Live Tutorial Video Classes)
  • Feedback Platform

Let’s look at the Support outline a bit more:

Live Chat 

This happens to be one of the places I like to hang out when I need help instantly. It’s available 24/7 so there’s always someone around the world to give you coaching and answer your questions.


Live Chat

Direct Access to Kyle

I have private messaged Kyle a few times and I’ve been amazed at how fast (within a day, sometimes sooner) he will respond back considering he has a full plate.

Note: Response time from Kyle may not be immediate but you can rest assured that he will personally answer your question and help you.

Private Messaging 

If you want personal one on one help, this is the place to be as you can private message any of the WA Premium members. You can also private message the owners, Kyle or Carson for feedback on your site or some bit of private coaching. 

For me, this works best when I want individual feedback on my website or get some advice.


This is similar to a forum style, you can ask questions here and someone in the community will respond back or you can do a quick search in the classrooms to see if there is already an answer from previous posts.  What I like here is my answers can come in the form of videos, text and chat.

Training Lessons 

At the completion of each lesson, just below Tasks, there is a comment section where you can ask for help regarding the lesson.

Live Q & A Sessions

During the Live Videos Classes, there is Live Video Chat for the members listening and at the end of the session they can ask questions and get answers from Jay, the facilitator and from the members. Sometimes you will see Kyle answer some questions as Jay is talking which I think is really cool.


Live Video

Feedback Platform

This is one of the most valued areas to be in if you want opinionated good feedback from Wealthy Affiliate members on your site design, content and general feedback on your website or on a specific page or post.  It’s done on a credit system, you give feedbacks on 2 member websites and in return you can request 1 feedback or comment on your website.


Request Feedback

Site Support (Website and Hosting)

If you have any website or hosting issues or errors, you can fill out a Site Support Ticket Submission form to the technical support people. I’ve only had a couple of issues and as soon as I submitted my Ticket Submission, I received a response back within seconds letting me know they received it  and they are looking into it. After that, I’ve seen the correction take place in a couple of minutes. Quite impressive!

Blog Post

There are a plethora of blog posts in the form of great tips and words of wisdom where members want to share something exciting they’re learned or what worked for them. At the end of it,  you can ask questions here.

Wealthy Affiliate, Reliable Backup System

This is the state of the art reliable backup system that is done every 24 hours.

SiteRubix Hosting Platform, Create, Manage, Grow Your Business

I was amazed at how simple this was. I was very excited when I built my first website in 45 seconds.  I was so impressed that I did some research, apparently there are a lot of steps to do this and so I was quite thankful SiteRubix (a feature created by Kyle and Carson) was able to do this in just 4 easy steps.

  • It will ask you ‘What kind of website you want to build’. (go for the FREE site)
  • Name your website. (I named mine
  • Pick a design layout for your website.
  • Build your website.

Want to create your website under 60 seconds? Go ahead and give it a try here…


Build Your Website Under 60 Seconds

WordPress Hosting, Reliable, Best and Affordable

WordPress Hosting is a very powerful tool and it may sound scary but WA has made this simple by looking after all the necessary functions allowing you more time to spend generating revenue on your website.  Just one click to your login will take you into WordPress.

Some of the great features with WordPress Hosting within Wealthy Affiliate are:

    • WordPress advanced servers
    • 24/7 managed
    • 24/7 website monitoring
    • Reliable daily backups
    • Full redundancy
    • Site Health monitoring and analyzing
    • Emails and forwards
    • Website login automatically
    • Absolutely secure hosting

Because of WA’s ‘double hosting’, if your site were to go down for any reason, you can still manage your online business. WA wants you to grow your online business so if you’re just starting in the online world, there are already million dollar businesses successfully managing their businesses here. 

There is nothing more frustrating than to see a website load up slowly. WA has top-notch Site Speed Rating – Average load times on pages/posts is 1.3 seconds.

Their website Hosting Security can also give you great peace of mind because it has one of their best preventions on hacking and spamming before it occurs.

24 Hour Backups – In case you mess something in your website,


Site Domains, Keeping it Simple

The exciting part is you can actually purchase your own domains right inside WA and it works smoothly with SiteRubix. In addition, their pricing is extremely affordable unlike the many up-sells and technicalities of outside purchasing.

Here is the comparison below to see what you get for your domain name purchase.


Wealthy Affiliate Domain Comparison

There are only 2 types of memberships within Wealthy Affiliate:

Starter Members – 2 FREE websites (on domain)

Premium Members – 25 FREE websites and 25 websites on your own domain (total 50 websites)

Different Niches Require the Best Keyword Research Tool

Any online marketers, local businesses, affiliate businesses and basically anyone who wants to be noticed in the internet world really needs to understand the concept behind keywords. They also need to use a reliable keyword research tool.

Introducing Jaaxy! 

Developed by the affiliate marketers, Kyle and Carson, Jaaxy has the leading edge when it comes to keywords and research platforms SPECIFICALLY for affiliate marketers. 

What does this mean?

Anytime you enter something into the search browser to look for something, that is a keyword. Let’s say you are looking to find ways to make money and entered ‘how to make money’ into Google’s search browser.


Inside Jaaxy

You will see a list of phrases just below that. Google conveniently displays the most popular ‘keyword phrases’  that people have been entering when searching for ways to make money.  Click into one of them and you see a page full of articles that you can read. Scroll down further and you’ll see there are many more pages.  

When you enter one of these popular keywords from the search browser into Jaaxy and let it automatically do the keyword research, it will show you the average number of traffic using the keyword in a month and the number of competitors using that keyword. You want to find the lowest number of competitors with a reasonable number of traffic. In order to beat your competition, you need to know more about them. Finding quality keywords this way, will help you to rank on the first page.

To be seen on the first page, it’s important to use quality keywords.  Jaaxy will give you the most advanced and useful platform to help you beat competitors, manage your keywords, websites and in the market research.


<<  Want to try Jaaxy? Click here! >>


Site Content, the Ultimate Writing Platform 

This is new! This place is perfect for authors, content bloggers and webmasters because it has all the features to help simplify and improve your writing.  It has 100% check features such as spelling and grammar and assists in keeping your articles organized. You can setup templates which I know you are definitely going to want to use.

Duplicate content checker is also included.


Site Content

Sweet Paying Recurring Affiliate Program, Meet Kyle in Vegas

While you’re learning and growing your online business, every year, Kyle and Carson have their Las Vegas Super Affiliate Conference and if you achieve 300 Premium Referrals in the calendar year you will receive an invitation from them to go to an all-paid private conference.

If you don’t have a passion (niche) to promote in your online business, you can do your training in Wealthy Affiliate’s Affiliate Bootcamp and promote them. While you’re here, learning and publishing your articles promoting them and start referring your readers here, you can earn revenue.

Starter and Premium members can promote Wealthy Affiliate and you’re given everything you need to learn right in their Affiliate Bootcamp. This is where I get my training.

Wealthy Affiliate has one of the most lucrative and exciting affiliate programs online and while you’re learning and growing why not refer WA to your reader?


Earn Wealthy Affiliate Revenue

There is no request to enter your payment to click into it.

Wealthy Affiliate Review, The Successful Affiliate, My Opinion

I think one of the many motivating things here are the success stories shared within the community from the Starters and Premium members. I’m also happy to say I’ve made sales from one of my websites, the second site is quite new.

Here is Vitality’s story…


Success Story Of Vitaliy

I think you already know my opinion.. having been in Wealthy Affiliate for a few years, it is honestly THE MOST comprehensive and transparent platform in the affiliate industry in the world.

It’s also the most cost-saving affiliate program in the affiliate marketing, I mean where else can you get training like this, get 24 hour backups, website hosting, reliable keyword research tools, mega support, fully-loaded lessons for less than a dollar a day if you were to go for the Yearly Premium Membership.

Go ahead and check out other affiliate programs in the internet and I know you will be surprised by their upsells and support.  There are many scams in the internet and they will promise you the world and say there is no work. Wealthy Affiliate from the get-go will say that it is hard work to have your own online business and the rewards are definitely here. I appreciate their honesty.

The only thing I have to say is at first, when you join, it is quite overwhelming.  My advice to you is to relax, you will be welcomed by the person who referred you and by many others within the community. You will be told what to do inside.

Ready to try this out?

If you are looking for the right way of getting trained to learn how to start your online business at home and making it a great success, this is what I recommend you do,

CLICK HERE to get your FREE Starter Membership and 2 websites and get your Online Entrepreneur Certification – Getting Started Level 1. (No credit card required.

If you have any questions about Wealthy Affiliate or want more detailed information on what’s included inside the platform, I would like to hear from you and you. Please put them in the Comment Box below.  If you are a member I would also like to get your own review feedback.

I do all my work on my websites inside Wealthy Affiliate and so when you sign up, I’ll be there to help you.

Thanks for reading!



  1. Awesome review! I appreciate you sharing a little about your own journey with Wealthy Affiliate. I am also a member of Wealthy Affiliate. I joined last March and have loved it ever since. I also have a dream to travel more and be my own boss. I saw an online business as the best opportunity to get me to where I want to be. And Wealthy Affiliate provided the training and support I needed because I had no previous experience with building a website or an online business.

    Wealthy Affiliate still continues to amaze me with all the support, tools, and training they provide. They have everything a person needs to succeed online. I’d recommend it to anyone at any level of expertise.

    Thank you for promoting such a trustworthy opportunity.


    1. Hi Weston, thank you and I’m glad you enjoyed reading it. It’s wonderful meeting another Wealthy Affiliate member! They do really have the best training and support and what’s exciting is not having to go anywhere else to get what you need. Everything is here for you.

  2. Hello ,
    You really did an awesome review. You really pointed out everything about WA I do believe. I was amazed myself upon my first day of joining. I believe the community would be my most favorite part. They have helped me many times and I’m sure there will be many more. I have used live chat , training forums, class rooms and ask a question from my own profile. I have yet to never get an answer or a solution to a issue I was having. Even though I have only been there a couple of months , I know I am there to stay. You don’t find the atmosphere , training or tools like you will at WA.
    Your review was very informative and you should be proud

    1. Hi Lee Ann,

      Thank you for your great comment! Wonderful to meet another Wealthy Affiliate member. They have everything there and like you, I use all their features. There is no affiliate training like this in the internet and that’s why there are so many people from all over the world using WA. I have looked and used other affiliate training programs and there is no comparison. I look forward to seeing you inside WA.

      Wishing you continued success in your online business.


  3. Congrats on the honest review Monica.

    I have been a member of WA for several months now and my journey was an interesting one too.
    Divorced and stuck in a rut I was looking to start an online business. I am also overly sceptical about most things online but joining up to WA was my first no brainer on the internet. It’s rare to find a trustworthy source of internet money making amongst all the fraudsters out there but from the inside WA is the real deal. I just want to tell anyone who reads this that if all else fails, do what I did, listen to your gut.

    The access within the free trials lays it all out for you to make an informed decision.

    1. Hi Remy, thank you for your great comment! Sadly there are many people who are getting scammed on the internet trying to make money. I’m really thankful we connected with Wealthy Affiliate. The training, the support and the success stories are really quite amazing. I started out on the free Starter membership and learned tons of stuff. I’ll follow you in WA.



  4. Hi Monica, thank you for this awesome review of the wealthy affiliate university. As a member myself, I have easily been persuaded by the high amounts of value and saw that going premium was a no-brainer. I do recommend anyone to give this place a shot. Learning how to rank in SEO was truly eye-opening for me.

    1. Hi Jacob,

      Thank you for your comment and wonderful to meet another Wealthy Affiliate member. I felt the same when I learned the methods to SEO ranking… 7 easy steps and it really works.



  5. Monica, you have written a very full and comprehensive review of Wealthy Affiliate.
    If there was anything I needed to know about this program I could find it within your post.
    I’m sure that anyone seeking to find a helping hand to start their own online business need look no further than Wealthy Affiliate to satisfy their needs in the way you have given a full and honest review.
    If I wasn’t a member already I wouldn’t be looking anywhere else.

  6. Great, thorough review of Wealthy Affiliate, Monica. Thanks for all the information. I’ve looked at a couple of other affiliate marketing training platforms, specifically Create And Go and Jon Crestani’s Internet Jetset course. While they are good, they don’t hold a candle to the thorough training from WA. I think it’s the best on line. Thanks for your review.

    1. Hi Grant, thank you for your comment and you’re very welcome. I am actually not familiar with the training platforms you mentioned but I’ll certainly look them up. 

      I agree Wealthy Affiliate’s training platform is the #1 recommended in the internet world. I remember when I joined a couple of years ago, Kyle said we would make it our home… so true. It’s wonderful to see so many people help other members. Their site is alive!



  7. Hi Monica! Thanks for taking me on the journey with you, and your step-by-step experiences! The title, “2018 Honest Review of Wealthy Affiliate” peaked my interest to read, giving me a feel for honesty–something that doesn’t always reflect from the internet! I agree.. Kyle and Carson are definitely there to help people. As you, I too, have had a great experience here and it absolutely has changed my life!  I wish you continued success!

    1. Hi Erin, thanks for reading. I just couldn’t resist writing this review and want to share the experience to anyone wanting to go see what it’s like to have their own online business and be their own boss and get the right training.

      I wish you much success as well.


  8. Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to start your own business online, PERIOD.

    Seriously, I have observed many products and platforms. I signed up and used many of them. But nothing comes close to what Wealthy Affiliate offers. There’s just so many great features and the whole community is always there to help you out with advice and training.

    Obviously, it’s not a system that will make you successful on its own. It’s only a tool that will help you succeed if you actually put in the hard work and time into this.

    1. Hi Donny,

      Thanks for reading. Our own individual hard work is what makes us successful and Wealthy Affiliate gives us the tools to get our site ranked in Google and other search engines. Being in a large community of like-minded people is important because we can learn from each other’s mistakes and help other which what we do in our online business.



  9. Hello,

    I joined just the other day and I am loving every aspect of it and have received a lot of support from the community.  I’m quite impressed to get an answer to every question I ask on the platform and have learned and found how easy it is to find quality keywords using their Jaaxy Keyword Research tool. It has been all great thanks to you and others like you.

    1. Hi Dave,

      Thanks for reading my review. I felt the same as you do now when I first discovered Wealthy Affiliate. Their support from the owners and the community members are the best in the world, in my opinion. I have never seen so many members help people like us. I’m very happy to know you have joined this amazing training platform and learning lots.

      I’m glad you like the Jaaxy Keyword Research tool. I agree, it is quite easy to use and yet very sophisticated.

      I wish you much success in your online business and I hope you know that while you learn, you can also earn.


  10. Hi Monica

    This is a wonderfully thorough review about Wealthy Affiliate.

    Although I am already a member at WA, I love reading other member’s reviews as it’s still always eye opening for me to be reminded about the amazing value one gets as a member.

    What I love most is that it really is a one stop business platform giving you absolutely everything you need to be successful with your online business, no matter whether you’re an absolute beginner or a multi million dollar business owner.

    I’ve also been reading the teasers about the imminent platform upgrade release with much interest. That’s the other awesome thing about Wealthy Affiliate, it just keeps getting better and better, and that’s due to the commitment of both Kyle and Carson to their business and all the many members.


    1. Hey Mark,

      Wonderful to meet another member!

      Thanks for reading my review of Wealthy Affiliate. I’m like you, I always enjoy reading other people’s reviews because I can see how excited they are about how much they are learning and earning at the same time.

      I remember when I first joined, Kyle said we would make WA our home. Lol… so true, I do everything on my online business there. 

      I can’t wait to see the new release. It’s definitely the talk with all the members. How exciting…

  11. Hi Monica

    Thanks for this great review. I have been a member of WA for a couple of months now and have to say that I have got further in 2 months than I ever did in years with my writing.

    The platform really gets you moving with the certification training. I’m still working through it and now have 3 web sites on the go which are starting to get traffic now.

    Its great to see such positive reviews of a great platform.

    1. Hi Daniel,

      You’re welcome and thanks for reading my review. 

      Excellent, you are doing very well. Wealthy Affiliate’s teaching method on writing is the best ever. I didn’t think I could write anything for the internet and once they showed just how easy it is, it’s now fun to write.

      Congratulations on your 3 websites and getting traffic. It certainly goes to show what hard work can do. Their platform really works.



  12. I love Wealthy Affiliate! I tried figuring out affiliate marketing on my own and it was just too hard. There is plenty of training on YouTube to teach you some affiliate marketing tricks. However, joining Wealthy Affiliate helps with your commitment level. You definitely need to be committed to affiliate marketing in order to stick with it long enough to see results. 

    The community is really helpful and will give you feedback on your website so that you can improve.

    1. Hi Melinda, 

      I agree with you, Wealthy Affiliate definitely helps with our commitment level and because there are so many like-minded members, we get lots of encouragement. 

      Wealthy Affiliate’s support, in addition to their superior affiliate training platform is the best in the world.

      Getting constructive feedback on your site helps to make improvements to your content and design… something I ask for constantly and this is another great benefit of WA.

      Thanks for reading,


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