What is Keyword Research Tool

Want to find the best quality keywords for your target market to find you on the internet?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably already looking for more accurate, reliable and quality keywords.  Or perhaps you’re new to the online business world wondering what is Keyword Research Tool.

Click here below to find out what Jaaxy can do for you and get 30 FREE Jaaxy searches!


Search engines favor compelling content, but you won’t generate much traffic if you don’t include the magic words or phrases people actively enter into the search engine.

 Imagine capturing their inner-most thoughts!

When we’re online marketers, the only thing we should be concerned about is competition and getting traffic.

What is Keyword Research?


Keyword research is a common practice by online business professionals and online marketers who develop and maintain websites. People who write articles and blogs to get their brand noticed on the internet do this research to get the attention of their target audience.

The goal is to find and do research on the actual words or phrases (keywords) people enter into the search engine. Equally important, is accessing search volume and  competitor pages based on these words or phrases.


Why is doing Keyword Research so important?


Today and in the future, we’re faced with much competition throughout the digital world and it’s crucial to stay ahead of technology. Many people, including me and I’m guessing you are too, will not read beyond the first page after our search result. They will, however, change and enter more words and phrases until they find what they’re looking for and still not look beyond the first page.

Not doing proper research can make or break your website!

If you want to succeed in the online market world, you must also have access to the BEST Keyword Research Tool to assist you…

  • identify your target market for your niche
  • make your website content relevant to your audience need
  • present a clear understanding of what you are offering to the targeted audience
  • learn more about your customers
  • have a better ranking on your site with search engines
  • have people easily find you, read your posts and blogs, and make purchases.


Keyword Research Tool

Using the best keyword research tool means greater opportunities to reach bigger markets and get a jump start on your competition.

Up until October 2011, Google Analytics would allow you to see what words or phrases (keywords) your visitors used to land on your website. Sadly this is no longer possible because of user privacy.  Fortunately, there are many keyword research tools available. When you look for these tools, I advise you to really do your due diligence and do some testing. I hope they will be free for you to try them out. You want to make sure their search algorithms are accurate, stable  and current.

If you’re really serious about SEO, you need to use the very best quality research tool available on the internet. Yes, I’m talking about Jaaxy!


Tips when looking for the best quality keywords using keyword research tool:

When you are looking for a Keyword Research Tool, some of the metrics you should look for are:

1) Average

This is the average monthly search traffic on the keyword. I quite often will look at QSR results before traffic. Quite honestly, how often do you look past the 1st page? If I don’t find what I’m looking for on the first page based on my keyword I entered I just simply enter a different keyword with more words to make it specific.

2) QSR (Quoted Search Results)

This is the gem … you get to know your exact competition!  This tells you the exact number of competing websites based on the keyword.  Your goal here is to research and find keywords under 300 QSR (i.e. under 300 competing websites in Google). This is my favorite area as I tend to spend more time here.

3) KQI (Keyword Quality Index)

This is the analysis based on the volume of traffic, competition, and results of estimated ranks. This is the gold!. It gives you a visual list of the most ultimate and  quality keywords. Pick and choose what you like and save them. Jaaxy’s color indicators are:

  • Green is great!
  • Yellow is OK
  • Red is don’t bother!

4) SEO

This is based on traffic and competition, the higher the score the higher you have the possibility of ranking on the first page using the selected keyword (1-100, the higher the better).

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

In conclusion, there are 3 important things to consider when doing keyword researching:

  • you need to have quality content, without it the information you provide is meaningless to your visitors and they will take no action
  • you need to have traffic on your site, you may have quality content but no one will find you if you did not use the proper keyword(s)
  • you need to know your QSR (competition) so you can develop a marketing strategy to stay ahead \


I hope you enjoyed trying out your FREE Jaaxy Research Tool! Click here to get your 30 free Jaaxy searches when you sign-up today for FREE.

If you have any questions or comments and feedbacks, I would really like to hear from you!



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