Ever wonder how people are making thousands or millions of dollars on their ordinary blogs? It’s hard to believe, but it’s true! These people are making money even when they’re sleeping.
Some of you who are reading this are already enjoying your freedom. You worked hard to turn your blogs into a successful business.
“The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. work is the key to success, and hard work can help you accomplish anything.”
― Vince Lombardi Jr.
Here are 11 ways to learn how to make money on your blog posts!
1) First of all, your niche MUST be your passion! You are the authority of it.
It’s important to feel comfortable about writing what you know. Think of all the things you like about your niche. If you’re quite sure I recommend having a flowchart of how your niche can diversity.
2) Develop your goals.
Consider the following:
a) Want to work anywhere in the world with your online business.
b) What kind of online business will it be?
c) Define your target market for your products and/or services.d) How will you market? Social media, locally, etc.
d) Want to make money while you sleep.
These are just examples of what you might want to include for your goals.
3) Start using WordPress – use that KISS technique!
You need a website to look professional and it’s important to feel professional. Don’t waste your time designing your website. Building your website with WordPress Express is much easier than you think. You can in under 30 seconds. It’s the most affordable solution to getting the best content management system in the world! It’s also the easiest and the most popular blogging system around. It’s a package all in one and all you do is build your business.
4) Get real honest hosting!
As a blogger, you already know you need hosting. Don’t go for the free blog hosting! By not doing that, you could save yourself a lot of grief in the long run by simply doing it right and paying a very small fee like $6.00 a month for a real honest host provider.
Take ownership of your hard work! Anytime you do anything that people count on you to do, like providing helpful information, selling items… take responsibility for it.
Say, for example, you hooked up with a free blog hosting site, got free rent space but now you get a complaint and the host gets a complaint. The host quickly wants to protect themselves and before you know it you’re out of the picture. Your readers can’t find you. Now what…
I have been using xxxx
5) Get a Theme that dominates your thought!
Think of a theme as a unifying vision. WordPress offers thousands of themes. They have lots of free themes and themes you can pay for. The paid themes can save you lots of time by giving you more added
Don’t stress yourself out here, WordPress allows you to test a different theme and change your current theme. The end result is, you want it not allow pleasing to you, but also to your audience.
6) Brand yourself!
Now that you have a website, tell your audience about you. Your About Me page is very important! Tell them who you are, why you’re here to help them.. what you will give them. Can they trust you? Just be you… your original self and keep it simple.
7) Writing your best content.
Having quality content is still KING!
What is your intention of this content you’re about to write about? In other words, what is your goal here.
There are lots of ingredients that go into the making of a great content. The most important part is the understanding of customer perspectives. Things like relatable images and information, links that will guide your readers to another post for additional information and of course having a great call to action. Do researches to get your facts straight.
Keep 3 things to remember:
a) You are writing quality content is relatable for your audience.
b) Writing is all about communicating.
c) You are writing to help, inform and engage with your audience.
Once your Google ranking is up, the real judge will be your audience. If they engage and buy from you, you have written quality content.
9) Social Media Marketing
Don’t avoid this. Your competitors are using social media. People like to engage and when they see a good thing, the information will spread like wildfire. Use the social media platform that is advantageous for your niche and make a social media marketing plan to keep you on track.
10) Write more content.
Google loves it when you write more content. It knows you are serious about your website and that you are ‘alive’. If you’re not consistently writing, your audience will stop following you.
Share your new content on social media, emails … let people know you have new helpful information and you’re excited to share with them. Keep the buzz rolling! Make sure to respond immediately to their comments.
Yes, this is hard work, but there is nothing gained from doing nothing.
If you think you’re running of things to write about on your niche, check out my niche diversity to help you come up with creative ideas.
11) Make improvements to your contents and site.
Consider using Google Analysis and Webmaster Tools to analyze what post is working or not. See where your traffic is going. Perhaps your post doesn’t have any links in it. Go back to your posts… I suggest making a checklist … read your existing posts and see if you can put any internal links to it or perhaps there is an opportunity to write about something you mentioned to provide further information.
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