Creative Writing Light Bulb

How to Write Good Content For Your Website

Great Writing Content ConceptYour blog post is ranked on Google’s first page but your audience is not staying long enough to make conversions. Did you actually spend the time to write good content for your website?

We always hear about how content is king! If you choose to write poor content, that is your choice but I believe this is not what you want. You’re here because you want to help your readers solve their needs, get them to engage by leaving comments and accept  your offer.

10 Excellent Ways to Help You Write Intriguing Content

1) Create Originality and Rich Quality Content

How many times have you been told Google looks for originality in order to give your content good ranking?  This is challenging for us bloggers considering the things we want to write about have already been published. You would have to be a person who discovered something new to write original content.

The only way to do this, in my opinion is to think of the topic you want to write about in a different perspective, in other words consider the following:

#1. Write Conversationally. This is the best way to be original. Many people say they cannot write. (This was me.)  If you can make conversation with your friends, family members and anyone else who crosses your path you can write. Not only does this make for easier writing, it becomes fun because your thoughts are natural as you excitedly talk about what you are already an authority on.

Writing conversationally makes your content original.


2) Make Your Content Actionable

When people look for information in the search engines, they are looking for solutions to their needs. When you write any type of content, your sole purpose is to help the reader. This means providing your readers with the  following:

#1. Create Values (Benefits). This is where you want to tell your readers what’s in it for them if they use your solution. You tell them what it is, why they would want it, how to use it and who should be using it.

#2. Answer Their Questions. Think of what questions they could possibly ask you and come up with all the answers so they are not left with doubt. This is how you address their needs.

#3. Your Opinion Matters. Readers value your opinions and they want to know your perspective, your industry knowledge.

#4. Build Your Relationship. The content you write is based on your research and knowledge. It’s what you experienced, learned and and so you talk about what works and didn’t work. You put this into your content addressing the readers needs. This is how you build your brand, meaning, you and your website.

Engaging with your readers means being genuine and honest when you share common interests. Write content that is accurate information, which brings us to the next point.


3) Be Accurate When Reporting Statistical Data

You and the company you represent may lose tons of credibility if your content does not have accurate information. Your traffic will go down because your audience won’t trust you anymore.

If you write any statistical data, be sure you get them from reliable and trustworthy sources so you can always back them up confidently. You should place the external link of the reliable source next to that data so Google can understand what your content is about when it goes to the outside site.

4) Write Enticing Titles and Headlines

Did You Know Headline


Your goal is to keep your readers to your site so you can help them and generate conversions.

If your headlines and titles sound like everyone else’s and your competitor’s are more intriguing which do you think the readers would choose?

Here are the steps I take:

#1. Research the Keyword. Research the keyword using a proven keyword research tool to help minimize the number of competitors using that keyword. Wrap a few words around it to make it look appealing. This becomes the start of your title.

#2. Use a Headline Analyzer. The one I like to use is the free CoScheduler’s Headline Analyzer (my internal link) to balance the words because it looks for common, uncommon, emotional and power words.  Enter the keyword with the words in the Analyzer’s search bar and it will give you a score. From there it will gives you all sorts of tips on power and emotional words you can use to make it more eye-catching to your readers. It will even show you what it looks like in Google if you were to use that title.


Word Balance


TIPS:  Use specific data and numbers with it. When people look for information, they want to know how to do it and why they should. Words like “10 Tips to…”, “4 Secrets …” 9 Facts About…”, “5 Lessons I Learned…” , “3 Reasons to Do…” are extremely effective.  You use these with your keyword phrase.

The title I use here is also the same in my content heading.

If you create the desire, the emotion in your title that is more outstanding than your competitors, your targeted audience will click through to read your content.


5) Provoking First 2 Paragraphs

When the readers click through to your content, do you know what will make they decide to stay?

When I talk to my friends and family and ask how they decide to read the entire content, they tell me they are too busy and don’t want to spend a lot of time and so they make their judgement call by reading the first two paragraphs.

Why? They already know what they want. If you can’t convince them to stay within those two initial paragraphs you are hooped. They will most likely leave and you will not make a conversion. Let them know why they should care enough to continue reading. Some ways to do this:

#1. Ask Relevant Question(s). The question you ask, should be one that is going to get the readers engaged to visually see in their minds how the solution, the information you gave them, is going to help them.

#2. A Short Story in Your Introduction. Readers always enjoy reading a short story they can relate too.

I have a dive site and so of course there are exciting stories to tell of specific incidents or events. Doing this, lets them know as clarification what you are going to be talking about. This gets the readers engaging to wanting to read more because they can relate and feel like you really do understand their needs.


6) Adding Images and Videos


Couple on a Beach at Maldives


Can you imagine reading content no images or videos? Pretty boring right?

Many people learn and absorb information differently, some learn better by looking at images and videos while others learn by reading straight text or both. Some can learn just by listening to commentators talk. Which one are you?

We are visual creatures, we go to movie theatres and watch netflix. When people see images and videos, they relate better because they can picture themselves either being there or actually using that solution you have been writing about. It’s even better, if the video has you in it because your reader will build trust. They know you are a real person.

Here are some tips to help you:

#1. Relevant and Short Video. Keep the video short with relevant content and if you make it so your readers can relate, they will engage by returning comments.

Did you know when Google sees lots of people engaging on your content by giving comments, they will rank your content higher because they realize it is important?

#2. Image Text. Make sure you use the image text so the screen readers can read the text to let the visually blind and visually impaired understand what the image is about. It’s also helpful for any of your readers when they hover over the image and the alt tag describes what’s on it.

#3. Optimized Images. Keep your images optimized to minimize the loading time of your content. If it takes too long to load, your readers will move on and search something else. Try the free TinyPNG image optimizer (


7) Keep Your Content Focused

Your readers want to have great experiences when reading your content.

You want to give relevant information based on your title and sometimes it takes a lot of writing. In my opinion don’t worry about the number of words you use. What’s most crucial is making sure you have provided everything your reader needs to fix their problem. This is all they want.

The way to stay focused is to be organized before you start to write.


8) Be Organized.

Outline what you want to talk about first based on your page title. This will help ensure you are providing relevant content. I like to use the 5 Ws, the what, how, why, when, and where.  

I do mine as:



“Beautify headline 1)


“Beautify headline 2)



Reading any content is difficult to read without meaningful headlines especially if you’re on mobile.

Beautify your headlines by using captive words to make it appealing to the readers who frequently scan up and down your content before deciding to read on.


9) Internal and External Links

Don’t to forget to put relevant internal links into your content. By doing this, the reader has the opportunity to go to other places within your site and when they take action on this, Google will rank your content higher.


10) Call to Action


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If you don’t tell your readers what action you want them to take, you won’t make conversions and they will feel lost because they don’t know where to buy that solution. When they finish reading, don’t let them go without offering some type of call to action.

The call to action can be as simple as asking if they have any questions or comments and to put them in the comment box.

Creating call buttons are very powerful to get the reader to take action. Try this free call button Da Button Factory

I hope you found this information very helpful and if you have any questions or comments, I really would like to hear from you.

Hey, do you want to know where I do all my website work? I’m a member of the #1 recommended training platform in the world. 

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  1. Hi! Thank you for sharing these wonderful ways to write good content. Now I know what I can do to improve my articles in my blog.
    I agree with you that writing conversationally works really well. I just keep typing like if I am messaging or texting my friends, then I use spell/grammar check tool to fix any mistakes. This significantly reduces the time I usually take to write an article.


    1. Hi Kai, you’re welcome and I’m glad I was able to give you good writing pointers. 

      Yes… writing conversationally really does make a difference. It makes it more fun too.



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