Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Price: $0 Starter Membership (free account here)
Owners: Kyle and Carson
Overall Ranking: 98% (Absolutely LEGIT)
Who is it for: New people, no experience – expert marketers
Read Real Testimonials: READ REVIEWS
What is Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate is a Private Affiliate Program. They teach you how to create a successful business online. Their platform is for anyone and it doesn’t matter whether you’re a newbie, a technical person or an expert marketer.
They have the most unique, blueprint community of friendly people including the owners helping people all over the world.
I just spent a couple of minutes with a community member from the UK, and I’m in Canada….he helped me do something on my website that I hadn’t learned yet….I don’t believe I could get such a response like this anywhere in the world of affiliate market.
Wealthy Affiliate is also a service and community.
It’s been around since 2005 and created by Kyle and Carson. These guys really care about you. They want you to be successful….this is their main goal! How cool is that? They teach you how to create a profitable and long term business in the online world.
If you’re looking to have a successful business online earning amazing income and you want to:
- work with Kyle and Carson
- get help from fellow entrepreneurs
- help others within the community and network with them
- get lots of training
- get lots of advice from experts
- just want to be in one place, learn the tools of creating and running your online business
- even make money inside their site….you will definitely make Wealthy Affiliate your home!!
I came to Wealthy Affiliate quite by accident, I had been researching private affiliate programs and affiliate networks for a couple of years on and off. I knew people were getting scammed online so I always did my due diligence to check reviews. I knew there were honest affiliates around but finding them was a challenge.
Of course, I checked Wealthy Affiliate out and they had such amazing reviews it was hard for me not to try them out. I quickly realized how fortunate I was to find them…what can I lose other than time….they give you 10 FREE lessons and free starter membership…how amazing is that?
These are just some of the things I like about Wealthy Affiliate:
- FREE Get Started Training
- live and interactive help 24/7 no matter where you are
- 100,000’s friendly and helpful people who are members of the community
- 2 FREE exquisitely designed Websites
- communicate with industry experts
- amazing hosting – fast and secure, the Best
- spam free environment
- personal affiliate blog
- video walk-throughs, tutorials, classrooms
- live interactive classrooms
- 1-on-1 Coaching for the first 7 days
Can you imagine getting all this for FREE and when they say, no catches, they mean it!! I don’t know of any other place online that will give you all this without a catch.
Wait till you get to the Premium Membership….lots more PRO goodies!
You will absolutely love being inside the world of WEALTHY AFFILIATE!
Now for the CONS, I can only say it can be overwhelming in a good way! I found myself going too fast on my lessons because I was excited knowing that I can actually create and run a successful business within Wealthy Affiliate. My best advice here is to not rush through the lessons and make sure you do the tasks….take a deep breath, relax, go for walks, come back and get into it again….take your time!
Who is Wealthy Affiliate for
You don’t have to be a computer geek or a technical person. You can be an entrepreneur, a newbie, an experienced marketer….this is for anyone! If you can dream the life you want this is for you. Do you want to be financially free, travel more, spend more time with your family, get away from the corporate 9-5 job and office politics, money to pay your mortgage…better yet pay it off, etc…Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to be!!
Perhaps, you are:
- laid off
- a stay at home parent
- retired
- corporate employee
- an athlete
- an animal lover
- someone who has a passion for something
ALL YOU NEED IS A PASSION…A NICHE! Maybe you’re into health and wellness, knitting, skiing, skincare products, flying, etc…get what I mean? Not sure what your niche is? Don’t worry about that….Wealthy Affiliate will help you think outside of your box. Whatever it is, you can turn it into a real business.
As you move forward in your lessons, you’ll get to know the terminologies….everything is explained and if you still don’t understand, just ask. People in the community will help you and so will Kyle and Carson! I’m there too.
Wealthy Affiliate’s Training Tools/Overview
There is training here for everyone and it doesn’t matter what level you’re at, from beginners to the advanced marketers.
- Live Chats
- Specific topics in classrooms
- Live weekly training video classes
- Questions and Answers
- Lots of interactive discussions
- Task-based courses with videos and tutorials
- Over 1000 Training Modules
- Lots of Examples
You get access to ALL the Tools in Wealthy Affiliate. Here, you can do all your researching, writing and building of your website, and get hosting applications.
In the membership area some of the things you get are:
- Websites & Hosting Tools (get WordPress Express – just a 3 Step Website Builder)
- Keyword (Competition) Research Tool
- Low Competition Keyword Lists
- Unlimited, State of the Art Cloud Hosting (Premium Members)
- Over 2,400 website templates and themes
- Over 30,000 different website features
- Rapid Writer for content
- Link Tracking
Don’t worry if you don’t know what these all mean, Wealthy Affiliate will explain everything PLUS once you’re inside Wealthy Affiliate, all these are looked after for you.
If you’ve been on any all inclusive holidays, you know that everything is looked after for you so that you don’t have to worry and you can have fun and enjoy your holiday. Well….that’s exactly what you get with Wealthy Affiliate…it’s like an all-inclusive online business platform, everything is in their site!
What kind of support will you get from Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate offers the best support I have ever seen! Quite honestly… You’re never alone here. I’ve been up in the wee hours of the morning working on my site and I can see people from all over the world working on their online business….I can ask questions galore and someone, in fact, several will reply back. There are thousands of people here, like you and me, helping each other. There is no other site on the internet that has anything like this…… Here’s what you get:
- 24/7 support from friendly people all over the world
- Kyle and Carson are there to help you
- Private One on One Support from Kyle
- Interactive Discussions
- Live Questions and Answer Periods
- Private access to experts within the community
- 24/7 Live Chats no matter what time
What kind of work will you be doing in Wealthy Affiliate
Some people ask me what they will be doing in Wealthy Affiliate to make money. Within Wealthy Affiliate itself, you will be taught hundreds of different ways to earn revenue online.
You’re given 2 ways to do this:
1) If you know your passion, for example, health and wellness, scuba diving, weight loss, etc., this will be your starting point of your initial training course which will show you how to take that passion and turn it into a full-time online business. No experience necessary!
2) If you don’t know what your passion or niche is. Perhaps you just want to find some other kind of passion, or you want Kyle and Carson to choose one for you…that’s absolutely fine too! Wealthy Affiliate have their own affiliate Bootcamp with a pre-defined topic to help you build your business on. They provide all the training from start to finish with lots of great lessons, examples, and tasks to do. No experience necessary!
By the way, when you finish one site and you are earning income, why not create another if you like….
So, you start off with a niche website, learn all the skills of making a successful site. This is your online business. At the end, you reap the rewards of earning income in many varieties of ways from your site.
If you want more detailed explanations, go into my understanding of how making money online really works!
What is Wealthy Affiliate’s Price
Wealthy Affiliate has 2 Membership Prices:
Starter Membership: $0 (Join here)
Premium Membership: $47.00 a month / $359.00 per year (Join here)
Starter Membership:
This is for anyone to get started for FREE and you get everything you need to get your business earning income for you in Wealthy Affiliate. Some of these are 2 free websites, 500 training modules, 2 classrooms, 1-on-1 coaching for the first 7 days, access to keyword tool and the list goes on and on. My opinion…there is no industry online that can compete to Wealthy Affiliate’s FREE Membership offer!!
Premium Membership:
Wealthy Affiliate’s Premium Membership is like having that all ‘inclusive’ package but going beyond that…what does that look like? I purchased books like web hosting for dummies, SEO etc….guess what? I found I don’t need those books anymore. Wealthy Affiliates does a great job looking after all that technical stuff.
You get more tools, more training, the best of the best….the end result is you get an amazing, successful online business for your niche that produces the income you want so you can start living your dream to the fullest!
My Final Opinion and Special Bonus!
I say, join the FREE Starter Membership….it’s $0. It’s what I did. When I got into Lesson 4 of my 10 free lessons, well…. I went right into the Premium Membership. I was curious and wanted more stuff! I knew I was going to have a successful online business by learning here!!
I kid you not, it’s so simple and you will be walked through every step of the way when you join Wealthy Affiliate.
Join Wealthy Affiliate, it’s $0 (Free)!
Want to know how to Claim Your Special Bonus…this is the best part!!!
You never know what you’re missing so come see what is going on in Wealthy Affiliate. It’s absolutely FREE to join your Starter Account.
AND while you’re there browsing around, using the free lessons, I’m going to offer you this amazing bonus!
If you decide to become a PREMIUM member (including a 59% discount) within your first 7 days, I will also offer you the following:
- I will personally contact you in your profile and say ‘hello’
- I will give you more information about Wealthy Affiliate, how to claim your bonus and get help from me
- Have access to 100% higher affiliate commissions
I invite you to step inside Wealthy Affiliate!!
“I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”
Steve Jobs
Summarized Overview
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Price: $0 Starter Membership (free account here)
Owners: Kyle and Carson
Overall Ranking: 98% (Absolutely LEGIT)
Who is it for: New people, no experience – Expert Marketers
Read Real Testimonials: READ REVIEWS
Please leave me a message! If you have any questions, any input you would like to say, I sure would like to get any feedback you have!! THANK YOU!!
All the best to you!!
Premium Member
Hi Monica
I started Wealthy Affiliate 2 months ago and am finding it to be an excellent e-learning platform coupled with a great hosting site for unlimited websites I want to try out. I disagree with your cons in that I don’t find it overwhelming with the amount of info on there. It is set out so clearly that I locate everything I need easily and ignore anything else that distracts me from my goals. I totally agree with your pros, though.
Hi Gary,
Thank you for your comment! I’m pleased to hear you are a Wealthy Affiliate member! I agree with everything you are saying. The con in regards to the ‘overwhelming’ is because I find myself always wanting to jump ahead and so eager to learn more. Wealthy Affiliate is very exciting… I go back in my current lesson because I don’t want to miss anything in there either! For me, it’s the back and forth I do which is the choice I make and therefore I make it overwhelming…
Do you agree that wealthy affiliate can be slow when it comes to getting answers to your questions? It sometimes feels that as it is owned by kyle and carson, they cannot answer all wealthy affiliate questions in a timely manner and its times when the community cannot help either. Do you have experience of this?
Hi, thank you for your questions? I personally have not had any delays on getting answers to my questions. I am sorry to hear you are not getting your questions answered as quickly as you like.
There are several ways of asking questions within the community. I have always been putting my questions up at the top where you see the pen symbol and am able to state whether my question is on WordPress, Wealthy Affiliate’s affiliate program, understanding keywords, etc. and my replies back from the community are usually within couple minutes to an hour. I direct my questions there because I get a record of the responses which is a huge help.
I don’t know if you ask questions in Live Chat…I have never asked questions there because it always seems to be so busy and I think questions can be overlooked because of the vast amount of communication going on there…
Yes, Kyle and Carson cannot answer all the questions in Wealthy Affiliate…I have only asked each of them one question since I started and I received an answer back the next day. There was a technical question I had asked in the community and Carson answered that one quite promptly.
I find sometimes when I want to help others in the community, some questions seem somewhat vague and not easy to understand and because of that, I try to make my questions in detail as much as possible so it makes sense.
Another place you can go to is up at the top where it says ‘Need help (your name)? Ask your question here…’. I use that quite often as I find many other people have the same questions or similar and I can find answers or tutorials there for that question.
I’m here to help you, I don’t have answers to everything but I will certainly do my best to help! I can also direct you to someone who has a tutorial or information.
I really hope this information helps you!
Reading your Wealthy Affiliate review has really made me want to join up because it sounds so awesome!!
There certainly are some fantastic pros with the training site, and I just can’t believe the fantastic level of training, support and also the effective tools available for building an online business.
Wealthy Affiliate has just found itself another member
Thank You!
Hi Neil,
You’re very welcome and thank you for your comment! Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is really the best place to be for building an online business. The best part is, I do all my work there!
Another new member, yea! I’m excited for you and I know you absolutely will not regret being a part of Wealthy Affiliate!!
To join, simply click in the (free account here) under Summarized Overview. I will personally contact and welcome you and help you in your business adventure!
I look forward to seeing you there!!
Very thoroughly explained review of wealthy affiliate. As a member of wealthy affiliate, I know how easy it could be for beginners to give up at first die to the overwhelming information, and the longterm reward. It is very important to have patience and persistence to be successful with this platform. I have learned so much from this program just from the free lessons that are helping to change my buisness. Great review of a great platform. Cheers!
Hi, you’re very welcome and thank you for your comment! Yes, hard work and persistence is definitely the key to having a successful online business. I get more motivated reading everyone’s success stories in Wealthy Affiliate and get encouraged to keep going because they never gave up. The free lessons is what got me going and wanting more and I could see this as being totally legit… !!
Best to you!
Thanks for your own personal take on Wealthy Affiliate because it’s a review that I found very insightful.
It really is fantastic that I actually start with a program at no cost which has everything for internet success rolled into one. That is so rare online these days coz there are millions of scams tricking people out of money but Wealthy Affiliate certainly doesn’t do that.
WA has exactly the training, tools and help I’m looking for.
Thank You
Hi Neil, you’re very welcome and thank you for your comment!
I agree, Wealthy Affiliate is fantastic! I started on the free lessons and was totally blown away from all the things I learned and still learning. The success stories are wonderful incentives too…
Sadly, there are many online scams taking money from people… very rare to find there are organizations like Wealthy Affiliate who are there to help people honestly and sincerely!!
I’m grateful Wealthy Affiliate in my life! I spend as much time as I can hanging out in this friendly community who has helped me enormously. It’s a lot of fun…yes, the training and the tools are the best!
Thank you Neil!
What an excellent review Monica and I want to take the time to say that Wealthy Affiliate is the way to go. I say this because I am a happy customer that learnt how to make my own self-help website and before I joined up I had no idea how to it. Mind you I did sign up for other programs (which I won’t mention here), and they didn’t give me the tools I needed.
I also want to make let you readers know that the reason why I love Wealthy Affiliate is the help I’ve had from other members as well as the founder Kyle. To be honest, I was amazed that he contacted me to ask how I was going and what niche I was going to use. In which I told him, he then gave me advice on that niche which allowed my website to be a success.
Hi Amberlee,
Thank you for your wonderful comment!
I don’t know of anyone that is an unhappy customer in Wealthy Affiliate. The members in the community, including Kyle and Carson have been extremely helpful in answering all my questions… people take the time to engage, provide solutions and helpful tips. I’m very happy to hear you are loving Wealthy Affiliate… they do have lots of tools.
Ya, I think it’s pretty cool to see Kyle in there … checking on us to see how we’re doing!!!
Please let me know if there’s anything I can help in.
Hi Monica, I like your web site.
I like the way you describe WA, is really awesome. I’ve heard of Wealthy Affiliate before and the reviews .. never heard of one thing bad. There are so many scams around .. it’s wonderful to know WA is totally legit. I will definitely look into this.
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your comment! I certainly appreciate what you’re saying. They also have a wonderful support community alway there to help 24/7. When you’re there… check out their webinars and the FREE lessons.
Oh getting help with my website is a big thing for me at the moment – I seem to be losing traffic and proper visitors by the day!
Do you feel that this program can help with this? I mean, will they show me where I am going wrong and will they know where my problems lie?
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate program can absolutely help you. I don’t know how often you’re writing content but if you’re able to write and post at least 3 blogs a week… this will really help boost your ranking. The Wealthy Affiliate program teaches online marketers how to boost their ranking, write content with conversion intent, how to find great keywords (check out my review on Jaaxy for choosing great keywords…), how to use meta tags, and much much more.
There are also live video classes you can play back, for example… SEO Site Audits where a couple of the member’s sites undergo an audit and get suggestions on how to improve their site, building landing pages that rock, bringing traffic back with re-marketing, content writing, etc.
There is also live chat, support 24/7, classes, hundreds of thousands of people here and you can ask questions and get help from the members and the owners, Kyle and Carson. I’m here to help you too!
… just ask.
I hope this information helps you Chris! Thank you for your questions.
Hi, I like the review for Wealthy Affiliate, there are a lot of good reviews for this site, and it seems pretty legit. One thing I know about Wealthy Affiliate that’s super useful, which alone is worth it even if they didn’t have training courses and a huge community, is that they take care of all website coding and themes.
All you have to do is find your niche, make your website, customize your theme, and write content. Everything else, all the hard stuff, like designing your own theme, figuring out how to code everything is taken care of for you.
Hi Jacob, thank you for your comment! Wealthy Affiliate is definitely legit! In addition to be the huge community and training, they make it easy for anyone to learn how to build a successful online business. A person doesn’t need to have a technical computer background because Wealthy Affiliate looks after all that.
They even help you find your niche and teach how to write meaningful content. They truly are the best!!
I believe to become a part of and affiliate program is so great because you are entering upon a market that has so much great benefits and can help you to become your own boss and live the kind of life that you always wanted to live. A great place to get this kind of training is at wealthy affiliate, this community can have you up and running in no time and before you know it, you will be on your way to success.
Hi Norman,
Thank you for your great comment! I absolutely agree with you. One of the biggest benefit for an online affiliate business means no inventory to carry. There are a lot of people who want to get away from the corporate world and just be their own boss… imagine having an online business that makes money while you sleep is always a plus!
Wealthy Affiliate is the perfect place to be to learn how to create and run your very own online business. It’s where I hang out and operate my business. If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know!
Thanks for the well detailed and informative article, Monica.
In order to work from home and earn money in the process, Wealthy Affiliate is the right place. What I like most about WA apart from their training and support is that they are constantly updating the program. WA always update the training material and even introduce new improvements to the whole program.
After reading this post, I don’t think that anyone will question the integrity of Wealthy Affiliate.
Hi Seth, thank you for your great comment! Yes, I certainly agree, Wealthy Affiliate is very current on training information. What I also like is how the people in the community are so friendly and really go out of their way to help. I ask lots of questions, and I get instant response and great answers.
Hello Monica. I’ve done my research about this company. I like your review. One of the best things about wealthy affiliate is that they make themselves understandable and accessible to people who have never even tried to build a website or make money online in any way. What’s the quickest you can get support if something geos wrong?
HI Dan
Thank you for reading my review of Wealthy Affiliate. I agree that is why I became a member. I am definitely not a computer guru and WA explain things in a way the lessons are easy and fun to learn. They teach everything you need to know to have a successful business online. I get answers to all my questions within a couple of minutes and support is 24/7.