What’s The Best Keyword Research Tool | Super Powered Jaaxy Enterprise!!

The most valuable resource of data is knowing the keyword’s competition in search engines! It’s like gambling, like rolling a dice if you don’t know how many websites are actually ranked for that particular keyword.

What’s the best keyword research tool? Super Powered Jaaxy Enterprise!!

Jaaxy ComJaaxy Enterprise is the world’s most powerful and advanced keyword tool platform, perfect for all types of internet marketers.. for beginners to the advanced. If you’re writing content and making videos, Jaaxy can help you find the best quality keywords. With their state of the art algorithm, Jaaxy delivers you these exact keywords and keyword phrases from search engines to produce reliable statistical results.

Having Jaaxy can help you:

  • quickly understand how people are searching for your brand, your product, and services.
  • find out how much competition you have with your keywords.
  • know which keywords not to use.
  • find which keywords to focus on.

Give Jaaxy a try for FREE!

Why are keywords so important?

Using the right quality keyword for your targeted market is vital to driving traffic to your online business. Your business can skyrocket just by using the right keywords.

What does keyword mean?

In simple terms, a keyword is a term that is typed into the search engine like Google, Chrome, and Safari by people who are looking for information on the internet.

How do we find these ‘right’ keywords people are using?

Finding the right quality keywords can be tedious work. Say you found an amazing keyword, what are you going to do with it? How do you know people will use this keyword in their search browser?

First, let’s  focus on getting the ‘quality keywords’ for your niche. The tools I use for this are:

  1. Alphabet Soup Technique (Google.com)
  2. Questions and Answers that relate to keywords (Yahoo Answers)
  3. ‘How to’ related keywords (Ehow.com)

Our goal here is to create a list of quality keywords that we can build content based on your chosen niche.

Alphabet Soup Technique

Let’s say the content you want to write about is on keywords and keyword phrases. Using the Alphabet Soup Technique, I enter ‘find keywords’ in Google search bar. I get the following:

  • Find keywords
  • Find keywords in text
  • Find keywords on a website
  • Find keywords for seo

or enter something like ‘how to find competitive keywords’ and get:

  • how to find competitive keywords
  • how to find low competitive keywords
  • how to find less competitive keywords
  • how to find non-competitive keywords

You can do this in any variation, for example, find keywords in dieting, find seo keywords, etc. The information you see below are the most frequently used keyword phrases used by people in Google based on your search term.

Alphabet Soup Technique Google Com



Enter keywords in Answers.yahoo.com. Here, we want to find out what sort of questions people are asking related to keywords. I asked, ‘Find keywords’ and here’s what I got… I can add these to my ‘quality keywords list’.

  • How to find competitors keywords
  • What’s the secret to finding profitable keywords?
  • How to find keywords for my website
  • How to find appropriate keywords for website
  • How to find the best keywords
  • How to find keyword competition
  • What’s the benefit of low competition keywords

Answers Yahoo Com Keywords


Here, I entered the word keyword, and this is what I found that would be relevant …

  • How to choose SEO keywords
  • How to find keywords
  • How to check keyword popularity
  • How to find keywords in articles

By now, we found 19 terms related to the word keyword. This is the making of our initial (quality) keyword list. The next thing we want to do is find out is if they are the right profitable keywords. We need to shave the list down to where you think you can rank in the first 2 pages of the search engine on those keywords. This process is a lot of work and very time-consuming.  I’m sure you would much rather be focusing your time on other activities in your online business. Let’s take a look at a software … There’s this software that can tell you what information to look for… it’s the world’s most advanced keyword research tool platform built for internet marketers.

Enter JAAXY Enterprise!

JAAXY can show you the HOTTEST and the most PROFITABLE keywords on the internet!!

I’m going to show you how Jaaxy works and what to look for. There are 3 important criteria when choosing the right profitable keywords for your content and videos:

  1. Actual Competition (QSR) – Quoted Search Results. It’s important to know how many website pages are using that actual keyword or keyword phrase. I recommend 300 websites Google pages or less.  Of course, less is better! Jaaxy instantly informs you how many pages are competing for the same exact keyword or keyword phrases on Google.
  2. Actual Traffic (average a month) – Having traffic to your site is crucial. Without traffic, you won’t make money… no leads, no recognition. Jaaxy tells you the number of actual traffic generated monthly on the keyword. I recommend going with a traffic of at least 100 searches or more. The higher the traffic, the better!!

  3. Human Sense – Your keyword must make human sense. Your visitors need to find you.. so think in terms of what kind of keywords or keyword phrases people would enter into the search engine?

The colors (KQI) in the screenshot below are:

  • Green  (keywords are profitable)
  • Yellow  (keywords are OK)
  • Red     (don’t bother with those keywords)

So, in Jaaxy, using the list we created, I entered ‘how to find site ranking’. Here are the results…

Jaaxy How To Find Site Ranking


You can see the keyword phrase, ‘how to find site ranking’ has a green dot (KQI). (QSR) is 3 meaning 3 website Google pages. Traffic is 42. The traffic may seem low but after looking at the SEO in Jaaxy it shows a score of 95. It’s the score based on traffic and competition, the higher the score, the more likely you will rank for this keyword on the first page (scale of 1-100, higher=better). 

Conclusion: The keyword phrase ‘how to find site ranking’ is a profitable keyword. You only need to make sure this is relevant to your content or video.

Want to see what else Jaaxy can do?

Interested in getting started on your FREE Trial on Jaaxy? With this, some of the things you can get:

  • 30 Keyword Searches
  • 5 Results on the Alphabet Soup Technique
  • Analysis on Site Ranking
  • Affiliate Program Finder

Check Jaaxy out to find out more.. Domain searches, Affiliate program…

Hey, I really would like to hear from you. I hope you enjoyed reading this. If you have any comments or questions, please put them in the comment box below and I will reply back. 


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